The conference is now over. Thank you to all participants for this great success!
Last-minute changes to the poster sessions: download the list of changes.
Little change:Plenary lectures will finally take place in the GUTENBERG lecture hall (not GALILEE, as stated in the third circular). But this is just the next door!
There will be 12 invited lectures and 3 mini-symposia. Contributions, which will be presented as posters, will cover the fields of:
High resolution rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectroscopy of molecules (radicals, ions, complexes, clusters, ...).
Molecular dynamics.
Theory assisting the prediction, simulation, and interpretation of spectra.
New techniques for high-resolution spectroscopy.
Applications to atmospheric sciences, astrophysics, planetology, combustion, gas phase biomolecules, metrology and fundamental physics, cold molecules, etc.
Deadline for final registration and submission of abstracts: June 15th, 2015.
Deadline for final reservation of accommodations: June 15th, 2015.
3rd circular with meeting information: July 2015.
You can now register! Please go to the following registration page and follow the instruction.
WARNING:Registration is a two-step process. You first pre-register (this is something distinct from the initial indicative pre-registration described below) and once you get a confirmation-email, you can register.